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Baron is a (living) statue of an anthropomorphic cat who is fully dressed (including a top hat and shoes). At night, he comes to life. He belongs to the owner of an antique shop named Shiro Nishi. In The Cat Returns, he owns the Cat Bureau.

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Baron is a very skilled fighter and a swordman to be able to overwhelm two soldiers at once.In the book, he is implied to possess a "terrifying ability" which "can destroy Cat Kingdom".

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バロンは、完全に服を着た(シルクハットと靴を含む)擬人化された猫の(生きている)像です。夜になると彼は生き返ります。西四郎という骨董品店の店主のものだ。 『猫の恩返し』では猫事務局を経営している。